Monday, July 8, 2013

Tara Stiles's Blog

Well you've seen me share my comments on her page, but today I found someone else's comment to be so inspiring that I myself didn't feel I needed to make one. I asked the user if I could quote her, haven't heard back, so I'll just share the link to the post, and want to highlight that you all check out the response made by Takako =)

Much love,

Oh yeah.. the link.. der =P

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Saturday, July 6, 2013

July's Book

For July I felt it an inspiring choice in this heat to read about 'The True Power of Water- Healing and Dicovering Ourselves' by Masaru Emoto.

Its a small book, only 5 chapters in length, so a breezy read with some powerful information inside along with some stunning photos.

The summary posts will go as follows:
Chapter 1- Sunday July 7th
Chapter 2- Sunday July 14th
Chapter 3- Sunday July 21st
Chapters 4 + 5- Sunday July 28th
Book Wrap Up- Wednesday July 31st

Reminder this is just when I am uploading the summaries of the chapters.. feel free by all means to read at your own pace. Any feedback, discussions, thoughts, questions or comments may be left here in 'comments' (you don't have to be a memeber of blogger to leave one), or on my Facebook, my Youtube or email me at

(With this book and Kendra's Sliding into Home as well as all future reads.. if you have comments outside of the timeline of when I make these posts.. still feel free to leave them.. there is never any time limit on reading, sharing, growth or community *^_^*)

Much Love Everyone, and a Happy Safe and Heathy plump summer July,


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Monday, July 1, 2013

Another Tara Stiles Response

My Favorite example of risk taking is the classic Bill Murray film ‘What About Bob’, because it really is all about ‘babysteps’. You don’t have to do huge grand acts to be taking a risk or impact your life or the life of someone around you. Maybe you never move out of your ‘small town’ and have never gone on a vacation before, does not mean you are not a risk taker. Everyone takes risks when they breakup with someone, or get married, apply for a job for the first time, say yes to experiencing sushi, etc. Anytime you do something, anything outside of your comfortzone, when you step forth into something either unknown or not fully known you are taking a risk, and there for growing and its a beautiful thing =) Another good film example for anyone who still doesn’t know maybe how to take that first baby step and enter into something new, ‘Yes Man’ with Jim Carey. Now that doesn’t mean you have to say ‘yes’ to something you feel is shady like following someone down a dark alley, however its a film to me that has inspired me to start saying yes to oppurtunities and invitations, examples have included: moving in with my bestfriend (who within a month became my lover, another month my boyfriend, another month my fiance, and finally a month after that my husband), or saying yes to a yogi inviting me to their studios 1st Anniversary Party which I said yes to going to even when I had a childhood friend visiting for just a day, I said hi to the studio owner for about an hour and kindly left to get back to my guest and ended up making good friends and found both a job and a home at that studio. Sometimes saying ‘yes’ means saying yes to yourself. A personal example of mine would be when I gained the courage to leave school. I felt it wasn’t the path I was supposed to be on, even though I upset everyone in the process, it was just something I had to do. I couldn’t keep going to lectures and gaining more debt from school loans just because my mom wanted me to have a corporate job. True it ended up taking me a few more years and baby step risks until my future of teaching yoga became clear to me, however that’s what its all about =) One thing that I learned at a very young age back when I was an atheist, former christian, is that the universe has a plan! More often than not its better that yours. If I didn’t learn how to go with the flow and let the river of life lead me where it wants me to go, then id probebly be where I was in highschool, with my highschool boyfriend, and having low self esteem and a shy little girls unawareness of the world or herself, I would probebly still not have a voice and I may have commited suicide by now because i used to be manic depressive. (Now true I could still have had a happy outcome, just pointing out that without oppurtunities for growth, the probability that growth will occure in the same time at the same rate is a lot less likely.) Not an example of a risk but a powerful (in my life) example of the universe having a better plan is september of 2011 my husband and I got married, the following week, the fbirst week of october we had a miscarriage, then Dec of 2012 we found out we were pregnant again, I’m 8 months alone and all is well. Some may see it as horrible that I lost the first one but I had faith then that things were playing out how they were supposed to, that the child I had was not really mine, they weren’t the one I was supposed to meet, and this one is =) plus looking back at the events inbetween the miscarriage and my sons upcoming due date, I see very clearly why the universe was protecting myself, my husband and that child that didn’t not happen, because we went through financle and emotional hardships that would have made keeping and caring for a newborn very unrealistic. So for anyone reading this: take baby steps, say yes to oppurtunities (unless your gut tells you its really not right), and relax and smile knowing the universe has a plan and that all is well and will be taken care of.
Much Love,

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