Saturday, July 6, 2013

July's Book

For July I felt it an inspiring choice in this heat to read about 'The True Power of Water- Healing and Dicovering Ourselves' by Masaru Emoto.

Its a small book, only 5 chapters in length, so a breezy read with some powerful information inside along with some stunning photos.

The summary posts will go as follows:
Chapter 1- Sunday July 7th
Chapter 2- Sunday July 14th
Chapter 3- Sunday July 21st
Chapters 4 + 5- Sunday July 28th
Book Wrap Up- Wednesday July 31st

Reminder this is just when I am uploading the summaries of the chapters.. feel free by all means to read at your own pace. Any feedback, discussions, thoughts, questions or comments may be left here in 'comments' (you don't have to be a memeber of blogger to leave one), or on my Facebook, my Youtube or email me at

(With this book and Kendra's Sliding into Home as well as all future reads.. if you have comments outside of the timeline of when I make these posts.. still feel free to leave them.. there is never any time limit on reading, sharing, growth or community *^_^*)

Much Love Everyone, and a Happy Safe and Heathy plump summer July,


posted from Bloggeroid

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