Saturday, August 4, 2012

New Month- July Summary

So for this past month and continuing this month I have been slash will be covering The Principles of Buddhist Psychology. So far last month I got throught 1 to 11. In between there were 5 other posts made.

First was Firework where for the 4th of July I posted the Katy Perry lyrics and video.

Second was Curing Disease where I posted a quote from Amy L. a Rolf Gates student sharing how her fibroystic breast disease was cured through practicing yoga.

Third was I Was At Camp which was a life update of mine.

Fourth was Meditations From the Mat Day 209 covering the importance of working with things as they are.

The last was Acceptance where I highlighted what acceptance really means.

So thank you for following..and on to the remaining 15 Principles =)

posted from Bloggeroid

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