Monday, July 30, 2012


So I thought it might be keen to take a pause and focus on acceptance for a little bit. It is a subject that comes up a lot in my posts and I thought I would make it clear what it really means. Most people hear they have to accept something and that translates into they are stuck with it so they need to suck it up and just take it. But that's not at all what acceptance is, that's victimization, we don't want that! What acceptance is is acknowledgement of what is to be either at ease with it or to make a stand for change. In rehab they say 'acceptance is the first step to recovery' 'admitting you have a problem'. That's not just words for 'druggies' to listen to, its solid advice and wisdom for us all.
Here is a little demenstration of what I'm talking about: so i , since I was 15 or so, have been growing these, well what I call 'Witch Hairs'. I have 3 really long, curly, scary looking hairs, one the jets out from the center of my neck, and one on the top of each of my shoulders. Now I could be in denial and be offended and shocked when and if someone ever points them out or says something about them, or I can acknowledge that yes they do exhist, and accept that fact. Now its after acceptance that we can either be at ease or make a change. So I could accept that I have them, shrug my shoulders and if someone points them out be proud and say 'yeah, so?' without having attitude or being hostil or mean but really just being at5 ease and ok with their exhistance on me. Or after I accept they exhist I can just remember to pluck them once a month, no biggie. That is acceptance. Only true change and development can occure after we've learned to acknowledge and accept what is!

posted from Bloggeroid

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