Thursday, July 26, 2012

Principle 6

6 - Our life has universal and personal nature. Both dimensions must be respected if we are to be happy and free.

Balance, balance, balance, balance, balance. All life is about: Balance! In Yoga you have the 8-limb path: 1.Yamas (the five moral restraints including: nonviolence, truthfulness, nonstealing, moderation and nonhoarding), 2. Niyamas (the five observances: purity, contentment, zeal, selfstudy, and devotion to a high power), 3. Asana (the physicial postures), 4. Pranayama (mindful breathing: inhaling and exhaling in specific ways), 5. Pratyahara (turning inward, reflections of the Self), 6. Dharana (concentration, the corner stone to meditation), 7. Dyana (meditation), and finally 8. Samadhi (union of the Self with object of meditation, aka bliss or nirvana or enlightenment).

Universal and personal nature is the difference between doing what you need to for yourselve verses the collective. Sounds like the Borg from Star Trek I know, but its not quite so zombie_esq. In Yoga and Buddhism the belief is there is an overall Consciousness and in every individual is an individual Consciousness that is a piece of the whole Consciousness. And when it is said we are all connected, as discussed before it doesn't mean cutting my arm will cause you to bleed, but it means we are all part of a structure, a network, we wouldn't have food if not for the grocers and the farmers. So to have balance in life we must do right by ourselves for ourselves meeting our needs and desires, without being selfish and neglecting the world we live in.

So respect yourself, respect your home, respect your family, respect your neighbor, respect your country, respect the globe. =)

Namaste everyone,
Love you all,

posted from Bloggeroid

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