Friday, July 27, 2012

Meditations From The Mat - Day 209

'What we need to do is to recognize Inner Nature and work with Things As They Are. When we don't, we get into trouble. - Benjamin Hoff

'Desire is the wish for things to be not as they are. What is wrong with that? In a culture that reveres progress, working with things as they are sounds depressingly like fatalkism. Did Martin Luther King Jr. work with things as they are? Did Helen Keller work with things as they are? Did Rocky? Well, yes, they did, actually. Dwelling in the real, individuals who accomplish great deeds demonstrate what is possible, demonstrating how t5hings are. There is nothing fatalistic about working with things as they are. Fatalism begins when we leave the present, when we forsake the real in favor of our imaginations. Within the real lie the seeds of all our dreams. As we accept and connect with the postures that are hard for us, we find understanding that leads to mastery. That is working with things as they are.'

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