Saturday, July 28, 2012

Principles 9 and 10-

9- Wisdom knows what feelings are present without being lost in them.

10- Thoughts are often one-sided and untrue. Learn to be minful of thought instead of being lost in it.

So our thoughts and feelings often go hand in hand. But what does it mean to not get lost in them, and why would that be an important philosophy?

So in Yoga some get confused thinking we have to be like Vulcans and tune out emotions being cold and calculated and this equals mindfulness... but nope, tis not the case. If anything in Yoga you become more in touch with your feelings then a teenage girl, its just that through patience and acceptence and steady practice, you can feel your feels, experience them fully and apprieciate them for what they are, then let them go and continue on with the rest of your day full of new emotions and experiences. Someone pointed out to me once that the first 10 seconds of emotions are pure reaction and impluse a chemical reaction to whatever we are experiencing, but everything after that we control. We have the say on if a car crash leaves us crying and 'freaking out' for hours afterward, we control if an orgasim leaves us 'beaming' the rest of the day, we choose to suffer or feel bliss everyday. I know its hard for most people to accept this fact, but it is just that, a scientific and psychological fact.

As far as our thoughts go, I've mentioned in posts before how our thoughts a fantasies and more often than not they are lies. Since we are the only person in our head, we say what is fact or fiction, we make up stories about everything we see, hear, learn or experience. Take that car crash for example, when police gather up the reports of the eye witnesses, 10 different people witnessing the same event can say 10 different accounts of what happened. Often when we get in a fight with a significant other or a family member or boss we fight over miscommunication most of the time because when Person A tells Person B to do something Person B can interperate Person A's words over a 1000 different ways. For a personal example, if my husband comes home and sleeps after work the fact is he is coming home to sleep after work, but what my brain or Ego will do is make up a story and say something like he doesn't want to see me right now. Now this could be true or false, but unless my husband says 'i don't want to see you right now' it can not be labeled as a fact, the fact is he is going to sleep, anything else determined from that without him saying or doing anything else, is just my head making up a story. So knowing that we do this can free us from a lot of headaches and heartaches in life.

Feelings and thoughts, bottom line we have control, whether we accept this fact or not we do, however when we accept this, we can shift our lives dramatically, and only then will we be able to do or be whatever or whoever we want! =)

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