Sunday, July 29, 2012

Principle 11-

Not really sure why this one was not grouped with or next to Principle 6, it is rather similar. 6 to refresh you stated: Our life has universal and personal nature. Both dimensions must be respected if we are to be happy and free. Now for 11:

11- There is a personal and universal uncounscious. Turning awareness to the unconscious brings understanding and freedom.
Now just to point out, when we are aware of something it doesn't mean we become that or become aware of that. As I said yesterday we are not to become cold and distant like Vulcans nor be mindless drones like the Borg. So this is not saying we are to shut down and be unconscious. Its saying that we already are. To become aware of this, to observe it, to know it, respect it and accept it only then can we become awake where we need to or just let go of the suffering of control where we need to.
If there is Consiousness, or enlightenment, or being Awake, then like yin and yan the balance of the universe, there is the unconscious. In our personal lives we are blind, or unconsious, to many things about ourselves, our family, our neighborhoods, and the rest of the globe. Society as a whole, or even narrowing down to nations, communities or groups will have there own blindspots, or be unconsious, to manythings within there structure\system, to neighboring structures\systems, to the rest of humanity. Whether individually or universally this blindspot is commonly refered to as Ego. Where fear and desire are incontrol all the time, hurting, 'protecting' and blaming. The endless battle of 'im right and your wrong'. This false idea of thinking we have control, and our struggle to over power and obtain more control. A good question onced asked, how can we control anything, if we can't even control our own emotions?

A passage from Deepak Chopra: 'Buddha saw that suffering and evil are rooted in a mistake about how life works.'

Rolf Gates highlights this thought further in saying: 'The first affliction, the one from which all the others flow, is our mistaken view about how life works. We do not know who we are, and therefore we make poor choices about how to proceed. Accoding to yoga, the mistake we make is to identify with the external.
'In macrocosm, this can be seen when countries struggle with past wrongdoing. Elements within Fench society today, for example, are unable to come to terms with the Vichy government's culpability in the death of over three hundres thousand French Jews during World War II. Identified with a false image of France, they cannot simply say, "We were dreadfully wrong, and we are terribly sorry." To do so would be to overturn their image of France, and thereby unalterably change their understanding of themselves. And so, for the last half century, there has been a concerted effort within France to deny and repress the thruth of French treatment of Jewish citizens during the war.
'On the personal level, we arrive on our mats identified with the results of our actions. We are good if we "win", bad if we "lose". We compete with the students to the left and right of us. We bask in the glory of a good day, are crushed by the ignominy of a bad one.
'The emptiness of all this striving to control reality stems from the emptiness of our vision of who we are. The fall of Adam and Eve occured when they began to believe that they were seperate from God. Pollution, war, greed, and hate began when we stopped believing that we are one with all things. You are not your fingers ot your hamstrings ot this book. You are that which is understanding this book and which pervades all things. That is God, you are God, and you share God with all beings. Our time on the mat is a long journey from the idea of separation to the idea of connectedness. Our experiences on the mat, our reactions, our fears and desires are opportunities to find out who we are and who we are not.'

I think he wrapped this up rather nicely. I'm not going to quote these books in this post, however I Highly suggest reading the books 'A New Earth- Awakening to Your Life's Purpose' by Eckhart Tolle, and 'Bhagavad Gita- A New Translation' as translated by Stephen Mitchell to get a clearer, fuller understanding on the Ego, and about letting go of 'right' and 'wrong', 'good' and 'bad'.

Also remember, even those that are Awake are still human, still prone to drinking, swearing, sexing, and bellyaching, because all life is beautiful, ever faset of life is beautiful, if it were a mistake then it would not be.

posted from Bloggeroid

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