Friday, July 27, 2012

Principles 7 and 8

7- Mindful attention to any experience is liberating. Mindfulness brings perspective, balance, and freedom.
8- Mindfulness of the body allows us to live fully. It brings healing, wisdom, and freedom.

I grouped these two together because they are almost talking about the samething. Number 8 gets a little more specific hinting at doing physical yoga, and looking out for toxins in the body, everything from what we eat, to the karma in our lives.
Number 7, mindfulness of our experiences in life, includes the physical body and everything around it. Most of us tend to go through life on auto pilot.. which can be very basic such as wake up, eat, go to school|work, come home, eat, sleep (showering and toileting in between), or it can be far more complicated such as letting media, family, bosses or friends controlling your decisions in life, or letting your emotions over power you, etc. Being mindful will ensure that you'll never be a victim of anything or anyone as long as you live. When you become aware of yourself, your moods and reactions, your interacts with people, your thought patterns, your habits, your relationships will change. Now there is a difference between being in control, and being Aware. Being in control is an illusion as I've stated before, creates choas and suffering, but to be Aware is to be free, is to be liberated.
We have the power to be Awake any moment of our choosing, but for those that need to climb metiphorical (sp) ladders to feel they've achieved something, or deserve something in order to get to being Awake, I suggest taking a meditation course, or reading anything by: Rolf Gates, Jack Kornfield, B.K.S. Iyengar, Thich Nhat Hanh, Sally Kempton, or Elizabeth Gilbert.

You are beautiful, you derserve respect, happiness, liberation and freedom, give yourself permission to wake up and experience it! Its your life, you're the one who has to live it, don't let anyone hold you back! =)

Love you all!

posted from Bloggeroid

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