Monday, July 23, 2012

Principle 5-

5 - Our ideas of self are created by identification. The less we cling to ideas of self, the freer and happier we will be.

Basically our lives, worlds, realities are all fake! 'All the world is a stage, and we merely players' - William S. Its true, we are always trying to 'save face' to play a role or a part, whether it be 'mother' or 'rebal' or 'atrist' 'chef' 'teacher' 'student' 'emo' 'punk' 'blood' 'crypt' etc... we are always being something to someone. But then once we take off all our different hats, who are we? You might say something like, I am Mary, I am 34, mother of 2, a Graphic Designer and I am diveorced and recently Christian again...or something similar to that..but even that identification is ego.. its a lie, a safety blanket. The real you is inside patently waiting to be seen. There is Consciousness and there is Ego. Ego is helpful, it tells you when to breath and eat, when to notice danger, even when to fall in love. You can survive only knowing and using your ego your whole life, but you wouldn't be really living. Your Consciousness like I said is waiting patently not because its stuck up, but because it doesn't rly care. The Ego is the 'attention whore', Consciousness is peaceful and content whether you tap into it or not. Its just sitting there as an option for you to use. (Now you don't really have 2 beings or people inside you, I just find talking about them like people is just a helpful visual aid).
I asked earlier who are you really. Who are you when you remove all your hats. You are Awake. Your Cconsciousness is always there. When we meditate or practice the physical postures of yoga, we are tapping into our Consciousness and learning how to open its presence into our lives, shifting our being to that of enlightnement and peace.
If we are always struggling to defend our Ego to say I am this and I am not that, to always get people to see something specific about us, and to feel hurt, overwhelmed, heartbroken, depressed or defeated when they don't... then we are doomed to misery. If we are Awake, then we will learn it really does not matter what people say or think about us good or bad, because we will truly know our value and who we are and shall never again suffer at the words of others

posted from Bloggeroid

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