Wednesday, December 5, 2012

New Month - November Summary

'Flicking on the Light' - I discuss the ilumination that is yoga.
'Do You Know?'- Do you know that you are a gift?
'Shavasana'- Rolf Gates insights on the end of moments and how to endure loss.
'Yoga Limbs Breakdown'- Discussing the physicial and metaphysical differences between the first 4 and the last 4 limbs.
'Join Stephanie's Yoga Book Club'- A little plug about my new blog.
'MirrorMirror'- A beautifully inspiring quote from an adorable children's film.
'Principle 15'- still plugging away at breaking down Jack Kornfield's psychology of yoga.
'Yoga is not Serious'- A link to one of my Youtube Vlog posts.
'Almost Thanksgiving'- A request to hear you share what you are thankful for.
'We Are What We Think'- A quote by Sathya Sai Baba, insights on the power we have to create our lives.
'Happy Thanksgiving'- I shared my Thanksgiving prayer.

Welp that November, stayed tuned for the end of the year, Dec 2012 =)


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