Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sliding Into Home part 1

The first 3 chapters mostly just give some background knowledge and content about the author, Kendra Wilkinson-Baskett, to lay foundation to the rest of the book.
Chapter 1- A Tale of Two Kendras is a flashback to her first night at the Playboy Mansion as a painted lady, cocktail server, Hugh Hefners 78th birthday, the night where he asked her to be his girlfriend and she said yes changing her whole life.
Chapter 2- No Room For Daddy goes back to when she was 3 years old. This chapter begins the speed of the book, highlighting her past, her childhood and adolences, all the events that led her to that life changing birthday party. To begin she goes in detail discussing the abandonment of her father and the strain it caused her family. Noteable events include her divorced maternal grandparents moving from New Jersey to San Diago to help her mother raise her and her brother. Also a moment of meditation occured when her father left them for good when she was about 5, and her mother took the kids out to bay where Kendra found herself surrounded by ladybugs and got so lost in their wonder that she forgot about her pain. It was also through her elementray years that she discovered her love of sports, specifically soccer and softball. It was also at age 7 that her rebellian began to surface when her babysitter informed her and her friend about sex and later the two girls were caught trying to imulate what they heard in Kendras closet.
Chapter 3- A Friend In Need, this chapter covers her last years of elementary school and her transition to middle school. This chapter mostly covers her struggle to fit in and feel accepted and her openess to befriend anyone. Such friends included elderly individuals in her community, a little boy with cancer (that sadly passed away when she was 8). And a little black girl, which taught her a valued lesson in life when Kendra discovered that there were no black Barbie dolls for her to give her friend during her birthday. She also learned to love others and how imprtant it is to not harm anyone physically or emotionally for she herself was often the victim of bully attacks. The end of the chapter she leaves elementary school and sets up the following chapter with her journey to middle school.

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