Monday, June 17, 2013

A Year of Living Your Yoga-Daily Practices to Shape Your Life

This book is by Judith Hanson lasater, Ph.D., P.T.

I felt like sharing the June 14th and the June 17th entries:

14- 'Only the soft earth absorbs rain.
'The practice of yoga is not about becoming more flexible but rather about becoming softer so you can fully receive life. Make time for Savasana (Basic Relaxation Pose) today. Support your head, neck, and knees, and cover your eyes. Receive the moment through your senses: sensations, sounds, and thoughts. Soften to your life as you experience it in this moment. Stay at least fifteen minutes before rolling over and getting up.'

17- 'Only you can give yourself permission to be happy.
'We grow up when we realize that no one is going to tap us on the shoulder and say, "Now you have done enough so you can be happy." Take a deep breath and make the decision that you will connect with your own happiness for the next five minutes. At the end of this time, make the commitment for the next five minutes, and then the next. Know that your ability to be happy lies within you, only you, and is not dependent on your circumstances.'

So be soft and be happy =)


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