Monday, June 10, 2013

My Comment to Tara Stiles

You know its funny, before I started my youtube channel: Stephanie’s Yoga; I didn’t know who Tara Stiles was, and as far as vlogs go getting to know Tara I am still playing catch up, but it seems our styles, and goals and intentions are on a very similar path. One little tweak or side note, I get the whole ‘Yoga Rebel’ label, its cute and cool and fresh and hip, and it does help in a way to describe Tara’s intentions, but my personal hiccup is the word ‘rebel’ because to me the whole point of a rebel is to go against someone or something, rather than just doing you for you.

That said, my ‘rebellion’ as it were, is better shared if I explain a little about my beginning. When I first got my Yoga Teaching Certification I was a bit of a deer in the headlights about what to wear, do, go, etc. I had it in my head for a while that to ‘be a yoga teahcer’ I had to ‘look like a yoga teacher’. So I was wearing minimal to no makeup, I wore plain unvibrant clothing to class, a lot of black, cream and oatmeal, I was nervous about showing my tattos, and at the time my hair was dark brown and I was afraid of being me and going with a colour change, which at the time my desire was to go blonde. As I got more comfortable I realized I was being silly because I wasn’t being myself, I was being what I thought people wanted, and to use Tara’s example it was very much like dating. When you date someone sure you want them to accept you, but they can’t do that if you aren’t you. So now I’m being spazzy colourful me, doing themed classes or goofying off in regular classes, getting people to laugh and smile because ‘who says’ that yoga has to be serious? I’ve learned and am now teaching and promoting that its ok to laugh, its ok to sing the song ‘Wild Thing’ when doing the pose wildthing, its ok to dress up like Little Bunny FuFu for an easter class, or to do a Mayan Senseral Perscption Meditation durning a Cinco De Mayo class. My intentions right now are to spread ease and smiles and laughter. To help people ebrace being themselves. And to get people outside of the yoga niche and communinty involved in yoga! *^_^*

Much Love, Stephanie



posted from Bloggeroid

1 comment:

  1. Check out Tara Stiles original blog:
