Thursday, September 13, 2012

Celebrities that LOVE Yoga!

Kendra Wilkinson (star of: Girls Next Door, Kendra, and Kendra on Top) raves about yoga on her own website:

' Get Your Yoga On Jun 18, 2012 at 9:57am by Kendra

Getting and staying in shape can be really tough, especially after having a baby, but I’ve found that yoga can do wonders for both your body and your spirit. Hank and I are huge fans of Bikram Yoga, which is a hot yoga series performed in a room that’s heated to over 100 degrees! It sounds crazy, but the heated room is great for relieving stress and tension while you go in and out of poses, and I love just how focused I get during these intense, challenging classes.

Yoga’s already a great way to get lean muscles and build up your strength while staying toned, but the extra calories you burn while doing the poses in the hot studio is definitely worth the extra sweat. You can learn more about Bikram Yoga and find a class in your town here.

How are you staying fit this summer? Love, Kendra'

Kate Beckinsale (the action star who's tight legs and flat tummy we all secretly envy) discusses her success with Yoga in a Women's Health interview:

Although Kate wasn't a fan of the workoutsand luckily, never threw up in a gym trash can--she kept them up, and her efforts paid off when she was cast in 2003's Underworld. It was this gothic flick that first turned her into an unlikely action star (it was also where she met her husband, writer and director Len Wiseman) and the first of three movies in which she has played Selene, a vampire who hunts werewolves while wearing a skintight latex suit.

Despite her hard-won hard body, Kate had one slight problem when she began filming: In many ways she was still that same girl who tried to escape gym class
and she didn't exactly move with athletic prowess. In fact, she says she couldn't even run. "I mean, I could run if a bear were chasing me, but I ran like a girl with my arms like this," she says, flailing goofily. "The day they asked me to try a few punches, it was dismal. All I could see was despair in the stunt coordinator's face."

But Kate was a quick study, and the rest is action-hero history. The intense gym workouts, however, are no more; after hurting her back about four or five years ago, Kate traded them for a yoga-based routine. "I'd gotten particularly sick of being photographed outside a gym doing a squat with a medicine ball," she jokes. She also practices qigong, a discipline involving controlled breathing and fluid movements that's similar to tai chi.

In addition to making her physically strong, yoga and qigong help Kate relax. That's important to her because, for one thing, she does a lot more onscreen than kick butt. (Her next project, The Trials of Cate McCall, is a drama.) Plus, Kate says she's the kind of person who tends to worry about everything, and with her daughter, Lily, now in her teens . . . well . . . a little extra calm can't hurt. (Lily's father is actor Michael Sheen, with whom Kate had a long-term relationship.)'

More quotes from the actress herself :

'38-year-old actress, Kate Beckinsale, credits her daily yoga practice for her superstar figure. Can you guess which part of yoga class is Kate's favorite?

Savasana! reports that Kate loves savasana. She jokingly says:

“There’s a carrot at the end - I get to lie down for 10 minutes. If that part didn’t exist, I wouldn’t do it.”

Yoga was initially a tough sell for Kate, but she soon fell in love with her practice and says yoga is responsible for her famous figure:

“I always hated the idea of it - yoga and golf are similar in that people can become obsessive and boring about it. I never thought that would be me, but I do feel a lot better [for doing it]. And a happy side effect is that it lifts my bottom.”

Namaste to that!

Published December 19, 2011 at 6:15 AM'

posted from Bloggeroid

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