Sunday, September 9, 2012

Principle 12

Back to the 26 Principles of Buddhist Philosophy =)
No. 12 - 'The unhealthy patterns of our personality can be recognized and transformed into a healthy expression of our natural temperament.'

What this is saying is do not judge yourself, blame yourself, beat yourself down or punish yourself for your negative thought patterns. Example if you get cut off in traffic and think 'that jerk', then fine ok, you had a reaction, you don't need to make the situation worse by making yourself wrong for it. Then once we accept our humaity, accept our 'flaws' and love ourselves with them, (going back to that acceptance post) then you can make healthy changes if you wish.
So if you would like to shift what's naturally occuring, allow it to still be natural, when a 'negative' though comes up like 'i feel bloated today' you can then say right after 'my eyes look really stunning' or 'i am strong and confident, and will rock my meeting' or simply 'i am beautiful'. Or if you think 'that jerk' you can continue on with positive thoughts like 'maybe he didn't see me' or 'this road leads to the hospital, maybe they are in a hurray there to help someone' or 'maybe they are having a bad day, I want to wish them love and kindness, hope they find what they are looking for soon.' And on and so forth.
We go to the Dr. for body health and the dentist for oral health, keeping our thoughts postive will keep our minds in better health!

Much love everyone, keep it positive, stay healthy!

posted from Bloggeroid

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