Thursday, May 31, 2012

Yoga Love

For those who have not yet experienced yoga, all I can say to you is no matter how much you learn, read, watch, are told, shared, its not something that can be understood til practiced. Yoga is like love, until you open yourself up to the experience of it, let go of inabitions, fears, doubts, expectations, and just immerse yourself into it, you can not grasp even a hint of what it might be like. When you practice yoga, when you know love, you will see yourself for the first time.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Here Comes The Rain Again

'Here comes the rain again, falling on my head like a memory, falling on my head like a new emotion, I want to walk in the open wind...' these lyrics continue to echo in my mind.
As I stand cold and wet in the shower, I am transported into the zen of my Consciousness. The light is off, the water has stopped pouring, and I am peaceful, gazing out the open window, listening to the sound of the pouring rain. The breeze is light, and fragrent, the sky is muted to a soft grey, and the lush green of the bushes outside dance with the guidence of each drop of falling water. The cars and trucks rush by on the highway a few yards away, as I close my eyes, I stop myself from trying to push the sound out, but rather start to hear the ocean like melody of each tire driving through the rain.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Yoda and Yoga

'On this path no effort is wasted,
no gain is ever reversed;
even a little of this practice
will shelter you from great sorrow.' - 'the wisdom of yoga' as said in the Bhagavad Gita- A New Translation by Stephen Mitchell

That quote is going to be the only serious thing in this post, the rest is just lighthearted, goofy, and fun. I know littered through out this blog I reference and quote many films and television shows and books- in yoga the wise man learns to see the world as his teacher, to break away from selected reading for guidence and finds his own through nature, work, loved ones, media, art, etc etc. Star Wars however is not my yoga teacher of the day. No no, far from it, I just noticed some goofy comparisons.
It started out yesterday when I was unpacking an old box of decorations I had in storage. In this box is a sculpture of a Buddha head, and it made me giggle because its kind of short, making his face shape very similar to that of master Yoda. Not only does Yoda look like Buddha, check out his name, Yoda is Yoga, just with the 'g' upside down (depening on your font face). And that got me to thinking about Yoda and how much of a Yogi he is and how 'The Force' is like 'Consciousness' also known as 'Awareness', and well here are just some fun yogic ties between Star Wars in a galaxy far, far away, and Yoga on Earth =P. :

So forgive me if I misquote this, I am a nerd, but I'm not nerdy enough to have the Star Wars script memorized. But we are all pretty familiar with the 'knowledge' of fear leading to hate, hate leading to anger and anger leading to the Darkside, right? Well fun fact Bhagavad Gita is a poem dating back to the first century C.E. and quoted here passage 2.62 :
'If a man keeps dwelling on sense-objects,
attachment to them arises;
from attachment, desire flares up;
from desire, anger is born;

from anger, confusion follows;
from confusion, weakness of memory;
weak memory- weak understanding;
weak understanding - ruin.'

Worded a little differently, but the concept is the same, if you let your ego and emotions take control, you'll be lost.

Yoda is like a Yoga Instructor, trying to teach Luke to clear his mind, be focused on the moment, letting go of the outcome, and letting it happen. Yoga students in the beginning are often times like Luke feeling frustrated and wanting to 'learn a cool move'.

Jedi are like Buddhist monks, you have one training another, who will then train another, and so on it goes, wearing their distinctive robes, staying away from romance, all living together. - Sexy =P

There's always that one guy in class that embodies Jar Jar Binks.

There are aliens with dread lock type ears? Hair? Scalps? And in portland at least you get a lot of students with dread locks, esp chicks.

Luke when he got more advanced was doing hand stands, advanced yogis do handstands.

Luke was doing sweaty hot training in the swamps with Yoda, in Bikram studios students train in 105 degrees F.

Jedi's get lightsabers, yogis........

Anikin lost his mom, yogis mom's think we're crazy.

Jedi's listen to dead people, yogis listen to dead people.
Jedi's have figured out how to remanifest themselves after death in a holigramic ghost form, yogis have learned how to carry on after death is written form.

And then there are always these guys:

Anywho, I'm just playing around. =)
However for those interested, it turns out that there is a book called 'The Dharma of Star Wars' (and for those who don't know, dharma in yoga means the ultimate truth) and this is a serious book comparing the yogic truths and buddhist philospohy that's in the films written by an ordained buddhist monk of the Thich Nhat Hanh's Buddhist Community, named Matthew Bortolin, currently on for $14.42.

I hope you all are having a fun day, enjoy the start of the week. =)

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Observe and Report

Watching this comedy for the first time, and even though this line was said as a joke, I actually thought out of the film context that its quite profound and worth sharing with you all today: 'Save your 'sorries' for something sad.'
Kind of ties into the 'Megan Fox' post I wrote back in March. We tend to apologize too much and feel we have done wrong somehow, even when everything is alright. So breathe, relax, and don't save your sorry. =)

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Donations Only Yoga In The Park

So the weather is beautiful and I shall be holding yoga sessions as promised at the Vancouver Park. There is no charge for these sessions, accepting donations only, there is a 2 dollar donation minimum. Sessions will be held every Saturday at 9am and 6pm, subject to change with weather since it is out doors. Come well hydrated, make sure you have an empty tummy, and you will be providing your own yoga mat and or towel for those wanting to avoid grass stains. For any further questions please message me of facebook or email me at or
Really excited, can't wait to see you all there! =)

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Monday, May 14, 2012

Stephanie's Yoga

I am very excited!!!!! I just bought an official domain name and url so you can check out the official Stephanie's Yoga site at: !!!!!!

Im building the site my self, so like with this blog expect frequent updates and changes. And please please please email me at or send me a FB message letting me know any questions, comments, concerns, or advice and feedback you have to help me make this a more user friendly site.

Thank you again, love you all!


Meditations From The Mat- Day 135

Again I found today's read too moving not to share with you. This is an exert from the book by Rolf Gates. :

'Out beyond ideas of wrong doing and rightdoing, there is a field. Meet me there. - Rumi

Over the millennia, yoga has traveled between two opposing views of spiritual practice. In one view, the world is flawed, and the individual, an aspect of a flawed world, is flawed- and yoga practice is meant to transcend our flawed nature. In the other, everything is OK- and our practice is meant to remove our blocks to seeing this truth. Now, this may seem like semantics, but in fact nothing could be more important to sort out before beginning a serious spiritual practice.

I am of the mind that everything is already OK. For me, the sutras are an arrow pointing to the divinity within all of us. It is a given that in asana practice we do no disavow any aspect of our experience or our physicality. Rather, we progressively embrace what is real for us, so that we may find health and harmony. Why would this not also be true concerning every other aspect of ourselves? As you go deeper into the sutras, spending time with superlatives and ideals, remember that you are doing this study in order to remember yourself, to come home to all of 'you' (italic). Only after we get beyond ideas of right and wrong can we truly begin the practice of yoga.'
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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Honestly Being Yourself

How many of you out there have tried to 'save face' in front of someone, or please someone, or hide potential embarrassements from someone only to now have them as an ex boyfriend, or an old forgotten friend or an ex employer? All that time and energy and worry just completely wasted on someone who isn't even apart of our current lives...
I say its time to stop all the trying, and worrying, and appeasing, and embrace pure honesty. Once we are able to master being honest, then and only then are we able to start 'being ourselves' and know peace.
You all are beautiful, come out and play! *^_^*
~Namaste Everyone,
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Hurtful Words

Words are easy to over come when you know what you believe. If you find yourself hurt over what someone else thinks then 1 there is the chance you think it too in which case you can forgive them for saying it and then move on to turning inward and facing yourself and dealing with what ever you are conflicted with about yourself. Or 2 you don't believe what they say in which case you simply let it go. Either way you can release yourself from torment and agony whenever you choose. *^_^*
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Meditations From The Mat - Day 133

This is just a small quote from today's passage from the Rolf Gates book, 'Meditations From The Mat'.:

'Try to do everything in the world with a mind that let's go. If you let go a little you will have a little peace. If you let go a lot you will have a lot of peace. If you let go completely, you will know complete peace and freedom. Your struggles with the world will have come to an end. - Achaan Chah'

My current mantra is 'let go of taking things so seriously'. Or as they say in Van Wyler: 'You shouldn't take life too seriously, you'll never get out of it alive.'

So take a breath, relax, and enjoy your day. =)
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Thursday, May 10, 2012


This is a Body Rock video as shown by Lisa, good quick tutorial on 3 moves to get your calves, thighs and buns beach ready, good for both men and women, and make sure for extra sexy toushie to keep your buns squeezed in these poses!

(Btw Twin, this is def. more your style! *^_^*)
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Fat Burning!!!!!!

Supporting a fellow yogi, Sadie Nardini founder of Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga, here is a 17ish minute fat burning yoga workout for those of you with that extra spring time energy, here is a good way to burn that energy and burn any unwanted storage cells, hope you enjoy *^_^*
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Yoga by Equinox

Just thought this was a very beautifully artisit short video of an advanced yoga routine. *^_^*
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Spring Cleaning

Not only does the Vitamin D from the fresh sunlight awaken our energy to take care of our errands and chores, but the the added energy boost is a good time to weed out some internal Cobb webs as well. Whether you are currently on a meditation or yoga program or not, its an inspired idea to take some time for yourself to recheck your goals, and let go of some anxieties in your life. Whether you are still feeling jolted by an old employer or an ex wife, or are starting to guilt yourself about eating more junk food lately or becoming lax on your workout program, or are starting to just feel physically icky from all the road rage or negative internal comments about people and things you don't agree with in your community...whatever it is big or small, give yourself permission to just let go! Take a load of your mind and detoxify your body in the process by riding yourself of those nagging words in the back of your mind. Just take a deep breath in and as you slowly blow the air back out make sure those thoughts hitch hike with your breath and just be done with them. Take another breath in and feel the sweetness of just being at peace!
~Namaste Everyone,
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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The True Power of Yoga

Truly inspiring video, please take a few moments to watch it, it is just one of the most powerful things I have ever seen, and I am so completely thrilled that this is the field of work i have chosen for my life, the magnitude of the type of healing that can be accomplished through healing your own self through yoga, just wow!

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New Month - April Review

Remember this is just giving little snippet undetailed summaries of the posted from the pervious month, please go back and review them individually to really grasp the messages. =)

Start of the month we have:

DREAMS- a post sharing and experience I had from a lucid dream overwhelming myself with the magnitude of Life!

SPACE MEMORY- highlights some theories about the after life and Gaia and about the moods and energies we leave behind in different spaces between home and work and everywhere in between.

IDENTITY WHO ARE WE, REALLY? - Not entirely about yoga, just mostly wanted to makes sure everyone struggling out there in this economy remembers there worth and making sure to share my love and support.

VANCOUVER SUN- one of the earlier sunny days after all the rain, just a reminder to those who have such weather to go outside and play and enjoy the sun!

YOGA PAINS- this post discusses how important it is to continue doing yoga, especially if you are recovering from an injury because the healing pain is worth getting to the point of NO pain!

YOGIC CHALLENGE- was just a fun idea to try next time you go to the mat to try and embody the poses you enter, like feeling the innocence of a child in childs pose, the serenity of a tree balancing in tree pose, etc.

A HEALTHIER HAPPIER YOU 2- this post had two passages from the book by Lorraine Bosse-Smith, about the importance of embracing love, accepting other people's love, and knowing the importance of loving yourself and acknowledging how much love you can give without harming yourself.

QUOTES- title is pretty self explainitory

IF EVERYONE CARED- the song by Nickleback, I posted the video and lyrics because it was a message I found very beautiful and expresses the message of yoga rather simply.

26 BIKRAM YOGA POSES AKA HOT YOGA- since blogger wasn't allowing me to post the poses this post is the link to the official Bikram website with the only 26 poses you'll ever need to know to master any hot yoga class in any studio.

BREATHE- talks about reincarnation and karma and nonduality highlighting what each means and nontraditional ways to see them or experience them.

BASIC INSTINCT- was another post about a dream I had sharing a realization I had from it about the ultimate truth of life and what we really need and want and what we so easily find ourselves forgetting about. By getting destracted by our everyday lives.

KNOWING THY SELF- more than a post about a girl talking about feeling like a ballerina, but its more about being in touch with your own body the more you practice the physical poses of yoga.

DALI LAMA SOUP KITCHEN- about the post that was spread around FB showing the Dali Lama himself serving food in a soup kitchen in San Fransisco.

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Monday, May 7, 2012

Sickness Update

Apologies for being gone so long, I've been really sick, not sure if it was a cold or hayfever, but either way it kicked my butt. Still love you all, and ill be making updates here shortly, appreciate the pacience, thank you *^_^*

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