Thursday, May 10, 2012

Spring Cleaning

Not only does the Vitamin D from the fresh sunlight awaken our energy to take care of our errands and chores, but the the added energy boost is a good time to weed out some internal Cobb webs as well. Whether you are currently on a meditation or yoga program or not, its an inspired idea to take some time for yourself to recheck your goals, and let go of some anxieties in your life. Whether you are still feeling jolted by an old employer or an ex wife, or are starting to guilt yourself about eating more junk food lately or becoming lax on your workout program, or are starting to just feel physically icky from all the road rage or negative internal comments about people and things you don't agree with in your community...whatever it is big or small, give yourself permission to just let go! Take a load of your mind and detoxify your body in the process by riding yourself of those nagging words in the back of your mind. Just take a deep breath in and as you slowly blow the air back out make sure those thoughts hitch hike with your breath and just be done with them. Take another breath in and feel the sweetness of just being at peace!
~Namaste Everyone,
posted from Bloggeroid

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