Tuesday, May 8, 2012

New Month - April Review

Remember this is just giving little snippet undetailed summaries of the posted from the pervious month, please go back and review them individually to really grasp the messages. =)

Start of the month we have:

DREAMS- a post sharing and experience I had from a lucid dream overwhelming myself with the magnitude of Life!

SPACE MEMORY- highlights some theories about the after life and Gaia and about the moods and energies we leave behind in different spaces between home and work and everywhere in between.

IDENTITY WHO ARE WE, REALLY? - Not entirely about yoga, just mostly wanted to makes sure everyone struggling out there in this economy remembers there worth and making sure to share my love and support.

VANCOUVER SUN- one of the earlier sunny days after all the rain, just a reminder to those who have such weather to go outside and play and enjoy the sun!

YOGA PAINS- this post discusses how important it is to continue doing yoga, especially if you are recovering from an injury because the healing pain is worth getting to the point of NO pain!

YOGIC CHALLENGE- was just a fun idea to try next time you go to the mat to try and embody the poses you enter, like feeling the innocence of a child in childs pose, the serenity of a tree balancing in tree pose, etc.

A HEALTHIER HAPPIER YOU 2- this post had two passages from the book by Lorraine Bosse-Smith, about the importance of embracing love, accepting other people's love, and knowing the importance of loving yourself and acknowledging how much love you can give without harming yourself.

QUOTES- title is pretty self explainitory

IF EVERYONE CARED- the song by Nickleback, I posted the video and lyrics because it was a message I found very beautiful and expresses the message of yoga rather simply.

26 BIKRAM YOGA POSES AKA HOT YOGA- since blogger wasn't allowing me to post the poses this post is the link to the official Bikram website with the only 26 poses you'll ever need to know to master any hot yoga class in any studio.

BREATHE- talks about reincarnation and karma and nonduality highlighting what each means and nontraditional ways to see them or experience them.

BASIC INSTINCT- was another post about a dream I had sharing a realization I had from it about the ultimate truth of life and what we really need and want and what we so easily find ourselves forgetting about. By getting destracted by our everyday lives.

KNOWING THY SELF- more than a post about a girl talking about feeling like a ballerina, but its more about being in touch with your own body the more you practice the physical poses of yoga.

DALI LAMA SOUP KITCHEN- about the post that was spread around FB showing the Dali Lama himself serving food in a soup kitchen in San Fransisco.

posted from Bloggeroid

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