Tuesday, February 28, 2012


sorry everyone  for not posting really today... its been a lllloooonnnnggg day... seems im going to no longer be an employee at vamonos..saturday will be my last class... see at this studio i am not an independent contractor i am an employee so my boss controls the hours and the rate of pay .. the studio is her business where she controls advertising and clientel i just show up and teach... an independent contractor rents studio space brings in their own clients control the pricing and is basically their own boss with out owning the studio they are utilizing... my current employer is having me leave because she can not afford to pay me with how few people have shown interest in her studio since all of her marketing has been zumba based and just today i was told i should have been marketing and controling the client numbers even though i am not hired on as an independent contractor... now i am not here to write a hate blog or anything of the sort..heck i probebly should not have listed as much detail as i did.. i merely just wanted to get on my phone and send a little apology out for those of you that follow this blog... to my still for the moment current employer i do really feel bad about the stress she has been under and i do understand where she is coming from given the knowledge and business education that she has... so for my current students i really would hate to lose you..i would never dream of snakintg anyone away i will just simply share that i do offer inhome..and i will keep you all updated to what studio or studios i end up in next. thank you all..much love to my audiencce..to my students..and the management at vamonos and to vamonos i am very grateful to have been a part of that team for as long as i was i feel sad to leave the family i have made with management and the rest of the staff.. it has been an amazing growth and education opurtunity..and heck anyone in the vancouver or portland area who would like to celebrate my farewell saturday night email me at stephaniesyoga which is a yahoo account... i believe in the universe and i know this is just leading me to bigger and better things so it will be a happy celebration. namaste

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