Saturday, February 11, 2012

Fleur de lis

According to the Hilary Duff book Elixir the 3 petals of the Iris flower mean: Faith, Valor, and Wisdom. Funny, I have always loved the iris flower, and have been drawn to the Fleur de lis, which is of course the French royal decoration molded after the local Iris flower (really having no deeping meaning in the symbol itself other than pure decoration), all coming back to that one single flower, the Iris.

Faith- is defined as a firm belief in something for which there is no proof.
Valor- is strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness- or simply put, personal bravery.
Wisdom- 1. is defined as an accumulated philosophic or scientific learning (aka knowledge) or 2. the ability to discern inner qualities and relationships (aka insight).

Its amazing how such a small thing as a unique flower could be such a powerful insight to my own future, feels like before I even knew about Yoga, as a child I was already drawn to the inner qualities of it.

Faith, Valor, Wisdom... Faith, Valor, Wisdom... quite the mantra, just 3 common words, however when you pause to really digest the meaning, each meaning individually and then really reflect on the impact of the 3 of them together, it really could turn out to be quiet the challenge to engage into, in everyday life.

The joy in this, the silver lining as it were, is that everything in yoga and life is achievable, we are never given more than we can handle, the true challenge is just really grasping the reality that we are ourselves capable!

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