Thursday, February 23, 2012


Spasibo is the Russian word for the expression 'Thank you'. I myself am not Russian, I did however learn a few words and phrases and this is one that I personally found to be really beautiful that in my daily life I have completely replaced my english 'thank you' for the Russian 'spasibo'.

Thinking about the concept of 'thanks' or 'spasibo' or overall gratitude, no matter the language we speak it, we do tend to speak it on a regular basis, it has become sucha  simple expression, yet we rarely take the time to really digest the weight of the expression, to truly grasp gratitude. When someone tells you 'thank you' or 'spasibo' for something that you did or made or said you might commonly smile or nod, or maybe just remain as you were, how often do we sit there and soak in the kind expression and allow ourselves to be immersed in the gratitude that the other was passing along with us? Most often we do not really consider how gratitude is a choice, and when someone is show appreciation they are really sharing and giving somehting of themselves there in that moment, they are giving us the gift of their gratitude. They are giving us the gift of kindness, the warmth of a smile, and the gift of a slight little ego boost.

In the spirit of sharing Spasibo here isa  look at one of my favorite blogs that is specifically designed for and focuses on and writes soley about this topic: 'The Daily Gratitude' by Paul Christmore.. very fitting title too, wouldnt you agree? =)

With that I really want to say spasibo to all of you that take the time to view my blog, it means a lot to me. *^_^*

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