Friday, February 10, 2012


As you know from my previous blog I am  Yoga Instructor at Vamonos Studio in Vancouver, Washington, what I did not mention is that I also help Jennifer by working as a secretary at the front desk, because I love her so much, I find her to be a very inspiring woman and I love the idea of supporting her and her new business however I can to be a good friend. This is just some background before getting into my main point about Hospice. 

So while I was working the desk this morning one of Jenn's Zumba students was sharing with me about how she helps volunteer for a Hospice foundation here in Vancouver and how a while ago there was a questionnaire filled out at her center asking people their top regrets as they lie in wait on their death beds. She shared with me the top 5 most common responses and I found it to be so moving and inspirational that I had to come here and share it all today:
5. Not expressing themselves and their emotions enough or not having learned how.
4. Devoting too much time/thought/energy towards their jobs. (Then she further made the joke that its like the age old adage: people on their death beds never complain about not having worked enough.)
3. Losing touch with friends and loved ones over the years.
2. Living for others - living for the pleasure and comfort of others rather than living for themselves and their wishes and pleasures.

The VERY TOP main regret people shared on their death beds is : Not realizing soon enough that happiness is an active choice everyday!

And so I want you all to meditate on that and really let this simple words sink in : Happiness is a choice! and I encourage you all to work on practicing that for yourselves, because life is too short and too precious not to, so make it your own, after all it is your life!

~Namaste Everyone, Enjoy


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