Thursday, March 22, 2012

Been A While

Sorry everyone, the public library only gives me 1 hour a day to surf the web and instead of blogging I have been trying to job hunt and apartment hunt on craigslist and such. Do not mean to be neglectful. Man as much as I love 'The Couve', there does not seem to be much going on here right now, jobs i understand, being a Yoga instructor is a weird postion to fill, I do not image much gyms having frequent turnarounds or anything =) but apartments, you would think there would be far more listing for those. I will be honest i have never really been interent savy, never had it in my home growing up and at school on my freee time I would look up pictures of Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera or be doing school projects from ''.. so if there is a smarter site to be surfing other that Criagslist, by means i am all ears. *^_^*
Speaking of ears by the way, I never got any responses from people about what they like about themselves, so I thought i would make my response this Saturday and give people more time to get those sent out if you were already planning to do so. =)
Not the deepest post i have ever written, but hey, sometimes just some in the moment truth is refreshing.
Thank you everyone for the love and support!
Much Love,
~Stephers <3

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