Monday, March 12, 2012

Bitch It Out

Recently I purchased a copy of a Cosmo magazine, not normally something I do unless boarding a plane, but the Megan Fox cover caught my eye and I thought why not. They seem to have this page now called 'Bitch It Out!' Oddly enough I ran into a little slice of wisdom from this they wrote: 'Bitch Tip- You are out with pals and want the last bar stool, but the chick in the adjacent chair has her purse hanging off it. Don't ask to sit there- it implies you think you're doing something wrong. Just take the seat. She'll get the hint to grab her stuff.' Now it is not my personality type to be so bold in this specific situation, however the underlining concept is a great point.

So often we spend our time being less. We seem to be timid and shy and apologetic (assuming that's a word), even the loud and the bold and the proud of us still have our areas of meekness. Another Cosmo quote (from a separate article): 'write down all the ways you rock'. I think this would be inspiring to try. Its easy for us to belittle ourselves in our minds, or in some cases out loud, and some more so than others, but we could ALL use more confidence boosters, self gratification... without puffing up the ego, but to truly practice contentment.. and to point out contentment or 'santosa' in Sanskrit (the language of yoga) is not to be confused with complacency, but its rather more of a reverence.

So to practice I will ask you to take a moment and jot down some powerful uplifting things about you, what is it that YOU like about yourself, not what you think others like or would like to hear, but really make yourself smile when writing down your list.. and no limit to how many things or to what length or detail you note them or describe them.

After that I would feel honored if you would email me at: the items from your list that you would like me to add to this blog. I will post all of your answers (with your name or without..per choice) on this up coming Saturday of the 17th 2012. Can't wait to see what it is that puffs you all up. *^_^*
posted from Bloggeroid

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