Saturday, March 10, 2012


Going into the ER this past week I briefly got to know one of the nurses there, brilliant, very deep and thoughtful and loving and funny, was a great woman to have around in a dark moment, she had so much life to her, it was amazing to witness. She shared about her kids and where she was from and how long her and her husband have been married (they were high school sweethearts and are still very giddy and inlove 36 years later *^_^*). During all of her stories, one really stood out to me, it is a short tale, but if you really allow it to sink in, it is deeply impactful!

Keeping true to patient confidentiality (sp I'm sure) she did not give any details about where or when or who etc, she just simply shared this: there was a little boy whole could taste his saline drip, not many people do this, in her career she had only encountered 5, this boy was the first. Now it doesn't mean anything special to taste saline, its just something that stands out in a persons memory. This boy she said was 6 at the time, very sick, had cancer. She shared that he only lived to be 12, and that he was a remarkable boy and that he knew he was going to die. She shared that he was still very full of life and one of his favorite things to do was to play practical jokes, and she in turned played into his games and antics and played jokes on him as well. The only example she shared with me was that he refused to go to bed one night til he could prank one of the nurses.. specifically her... she wasn't one of the nurses in his round at the time, so his mom made a special request that she see him so he could post a sign on her back. So she went into his room made sure to talk about things about the room so she could get her back turned so he could post his she left she took it off to read 'Kick me I'm stupid'... when she was recounting the story she started laughing so hard and saying how cute it was, and getting back to her story she shared how she put it back on every time she walked back into his room.
Like I said, short story, but it really stands out to me because she like I mentioned before is and was amazing, and kids are cute, but mostly I share this to highlight how amazing he was making the most out of a bad situation and not letting it stop him for living life and just being a kid!
posted from Bloggeroid

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