Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pretty Little Liars

Was sitting here drawing because I am just feeling too inspired to sleep. Currently am taking a pause to stretch out since I've been hunched over for 2 hours, not wise.. tisk tisk... and in this pause I've gone channel surfing through the web..looking at entertainment stuff to personal stuff and I'm now a little engrossed in some personal stuff... Facebook is a fun little device, but can be used rather poorly at times. What I mean by this is if you do not want someone to know something, do not make a wall post about it either publicly or in general if someone is on your friends list that you don't 'want in on the loop'.
All is well, to each there own. To be perfectly honest I just feel sorry for any individual that feels the need to sneak or lie, because they are scared and do not know how to trust themselves and thusly do not know how to trust others. We have all heard things like 'honesty is the best policy' or 'the truth will set you free' or even the more fearsome 'the truth hurts' all are very true, but the most important thing is learn to love yourself, speak truly and honestly, live honestly, and you will gain everything, every time. =)
posted from Bloggeroid

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