Tuesday, April 3, 2012

New Month- March Summary

First off sorry that March had fewer posting than February, guess I got a little too carried away with this apartment hunting. Currently I live in Downtown Vancouver in a very old building so there are no phone jacks for me to have internet on my desktop computer, so going to the library for only 1 hour of internet a day I have to be very focused on utilizing the time wisely, and currently that means finding my husband and I a new place to reside. Do not mean any disrespect or to show anyone any anti-love or anything, i promise to be more dedicated to my viewers starting here this April. *^_^*

As for March, a short recap:

HIRO!- was a post with a quote from the show Heroes, overall pointing out the difference between ego and peace.

ER- was a true story from a nurse from an Emergency Room visit last month about a dying child really grasping what it means to live! =)

Bitch It Out- Was some Cosmo wisdom about not belittling yourself and saying sorry, and it was where i asked you all to share what you like about yourselves, no one ended up responding, so I never made an updated post. =(

Meditations from the Mat- I wrote a direct passage from my favorite book by Rolf Gates, and then shared some of my own voice and insights about some naked yoga facts and truths!

Come Home- was a music video and its lyrics I thought were inspiring and wasn't a yoga song, but I felt it shared a yogic message, should take a listen to it, I provided a YouTube link.

Megan Fox- in short was a post about yoga enlightenment and what it really means to forgive and forget.

Been A While- i was just giving you an update about my apartment hunting and why postings were scarce.

Pretty Little Liars- sorry I honestly was feeling hurt when I wrote it, but was not trying to rant, some say it still sounded like a rant, but my overall point and message was to embrace peace and love and truth and honesty and to know that we don't have to lie to get what we need/want in this life/world. =)

That is it for March. I encourage you all to view the posts in full if you haven't already..  my personal favorites are Megan Fox, HIRO, and ER. =)

Thank you all ago so very much for all the love and support... oh and if it helps I changed some settings on here so you don't have to have a Google account to leave comments... I would love interaction from anyone willing, goofy comments, profound comments, questions.. anything.. even an emicon or a 'k' or 'hi'.. feel free to leave anything. =)

Love you all!

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