Wednesday, April 25, 2012


'The word Yoga signifies the means to realization of one's true nature.' - Sri K. Pattabhi Jois

'The Yoga Sutras are a road map to the Self. Within the Yoga Sutras we discover both the problem and the solution. The four aims of life are the arenas in which we enact our return to the self. The eight limbs of yoga are the day-to-day choices and actions that we take, within those arenas, to connect to the self.' - Rolf Gates

'I realized the truth when my practice was no longer about results. As long as i was practicing to get somewhere, I was able to understand where I was. For me, the breakthrough came while I was teaching, and watching my students struggle with this on their mats. As I taught others to become still, my teachings began to seep into my own awareness.' - Rolf Gates

'Whatever you were doing with your body before you came to the mat is in the past. You are in the right place at the right time, and the sky is the limit.' - Rolf Gates

'We enjoy our practice because, as we flow through the postures each day, we are learning, we are growing. Showing up for something different, being willing to be a beginner again, is one of the ways we keep our practice alive. We are here to learn.' - Rolf Gates

'In class I often say that we can never enter the same rive twice, experience the same posture twice, or take the same breath twice.' - Rolf Gates

'Often times we need yoga the most, when we want it the least.' - Rolf Gates

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