Monday, April 9, 2012

Identity: Who Are We, Really?

So often is the custom in American culture when meeting someone new we ask : what is your name, where are you from and what do you do? Odd isn't it? What we do often refers to what form of employment we have, which then once answered gives way to our social status and importance.
I have read that with so many different choices out there many 20 something year olds face what is now been dubbed the 'Quarter Life Crisis' facing the questions of who and I and what should I do? There is often so much stress after high school graduation to not only pick a college but to pick a major to then know what it is you are going to do the rest of your life and thusly define who you are supposed to be. This stress can sommetimes lead to dropping out of the education program until someone figures out what they want to do, or taking a temporary employement position after graduation to figure out what to do whilst waiting to discover who we are.
With everything happening now in the 21st century with the market crash and unemployement at a staggering high, it adds even more stress and pressure to define ourselves. And what of those that do not find even a temporary position to fill? Often those on Unemployement are seen as less, as unvalued, often times not viewed as people at all.
I find this very heartbreaking that this is 'The Maerican Way' when a job is simply supposted to be an aid in gaining funds, and funds are what is supposed to aid us in meeting our basic needs of food, water, shelter, and are carnal needs like going out and having fun.
I thought I would take some time to remind everyone that our employement status has no barring on who we are as individuals, whether you work 80 hours a week or none at all, who you are is in no way related to what you do. Who you are is about finding what you have on the inside, and what you wish to share on the outside. You have value, work or no work. You are beautiful job or no job. Your personality, your Consciousness, your love, that is who you are. Know it, love it, embrace it, and don't allow anyone else the power of trying to suggest or tell you otherwise. Celebrate being you, because it truly is a wonderful thing!
Love you all! Namaste~

posted from Bloggeroid

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