Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Ever have really lucid dreams, that when you first wake up in the morning your reality is still there in the dreams for maybe a few seconds or a few minutes of perhaps a couple of hours? When you feel like you have unfinished buisness, something you need to do in life because you woke up before you could in your dream? Or perhaps you are just left with an odd feeling the rest of the day until you nap or go to bed the next night? Today in particular is not one of those days for me. However watching one of my favorite films right now (Terminator 2: Judgement Day) whilst doing some laundry, something in the film reminds me of one of the more impressionable dream_haze days that I experienced about a year ago.
I found myself really overwhelmed with the thought of life. Of the concept, and the reality. How its here and now, how its you and me, how its happening ALL over the globe, and how life was here before us, with others in history and past lives, and how when we die it will still be here, it will still continue on for generation upon generation. How life itself never dies!
Not a lot of words in this post, but if you take some time to pause and truly digest it all and experience the magnitude of it, I'm certain your following days will be a vastly different experience.
posted from Bloggeroid

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