Saturday, April 28, 2012

Dali Lama Soup Kitchen

For a few days now, because of all the different news feeds I have 'liked' on Facebook, I keep getting this same memo for several different sources about the Dali Lama serving the homeless food in a San Francisco soup kitchen. I continue to feel shocked each time I read it and see the photographic proof. I feel stunned and deeply moved that I myself feel compelled and honored to share it here with you as well. This simple act really highlights the concept of Yoga In Action. That its more than meditation on a cushion or stretches on a mat, but it acting out love and kindness to the world in every day life, no matter your stature. Now it doesn't mean everyone need go out and volunteer, but just doing simple things like smiling at someone speeding on the highway verses giving them the bird, and actually meaning it, and feeling peace for them verses getting yourself all hot and upset.
Here is to fighting the good fight, with out fighting but with sharing kindess, big and small. =)
posted from Bloggeroid

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