Monday, April 16, 2012

Yoga Pains

So often people get confused about yoga and healing pain and injuries, so I thought I would take a moment to clear some things up. There is no yoga out there that will heal any pain within one session. No its not a ploy to get students to keep coming, and its not a smoke screen promising healing when there is none there. Yoga is good for the sick and injured, if you're willing to put in the time and do the work. Any of you ever have an appendicitis before? Well I personally haven't, but my twin sister has- Hi Jess *^_^* anywho to make my point going in for surgery for an appendicitis or any other surgical procedure like getting your tonsils removed, usually you go in to rid yourself of a lot of pain and to cure yourself of a serious health problem. Question number 2 is, how many of you have had an operation or a surgery or a medical procedure and just walked out of the hospital 10 minutes later singing and dancing and going back to work and coming home later to make love to your significant other? Nobody! That's right. There is always postop. pains, and a recovery time, to have to heal from your procedure to finally be free from your suffering from the original ailment. Same with yoga, often times you will maybe even feel worse leaving a class than when you went in. Pushing aside that something went wrong, and looking at things from the perspective that you did the class perfectly, spot on, you will leave for home that day and maybe 2 days still after experiencing healing pains. The more you attend class the less the healing pains will hurt, and eventual, unless you have a very sever medical problem with in 2 to 4 weeks you should notice your original health problem disipate, and a few weeks after that it should be gone forever. So for those who might find classes challenging or upsetting or painful, I encourage you to stick with it, your instructor knows what he or she is doing and they will guild you into healing.

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