Thursday, April 12, 2012

Vancouver Sun

For those who don't do a lot of meditation, I feel a good way to describe it would be for those in the Vancouver/Portland area to take a look out their windows right now. Awe the sweet fresh air, that hint of warmth that tickles the senses, the sun peeking in and out of the clouds all playful and shy, this is what meditation feels like: beautiful weather! *^_^*
The way the sun just creeps in under your skin and gives you a slight spring in your step, and you wish you knew how to whistle because you get a jonty tune stuck in your head. The way that you feel so happy that your are left without 'spazz energy' and just feel weightless, the way you slowly start to realize its not happiness you are feeling, but bliss, peace. Yes this is what meditation feels like, like a beautiful sunny day, no matter what the actual forcast is.
Those on the westcoast I encourage you to go outside and play, or at least open a window, and enjoy!
posted from Bloggeroid

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