Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Healthier Happier You-2

You may recall back in February I made a post with the first entry from this book in it, the book A healthier Happier You- 101 Steps for Lessening Stress by Lorraine Bosse-Smith. Today I bring you parts 2 and 3.:

'2- Give and Receive Love
LOVE. It's such a small word, but more songs, more poems, more movies, and more books have been on the topic of love than any other subject. Love has the power to ignite our dormant power, allowing us to accomplish amazing feats. Love inspires people to be better and do more with their lives, and it is why men can face horrors of war with courage. we need love to live a healthy life. Give it freely and often! '...
'We typically have no problem giving love to others; this is especially true for women. By women's design and nature, we are caretakers, giving of ourselves to others. In fact, we tend to put other people's needs before our own. What we fail to do, however is let ourselves be loved.
I used to struggle with receiving gifts of love until I head a meassage preached on the subject. I don't remember who spoke or where I was, but the message stuck with me. Love cannot be given unless it is first received.' ... ' If I refuse someone's gift of love, i have denied that person the joy of giving. As a result, i prevent both of us from being blessed. Do i really want to interfere with what someone else feels he or she wants to do? No, I do not!
The world needs love. You and I need love. We would all benefit from giving a little more love and offering less judgement and criticism. Just remember that someone also wants to give love to you. Let them- and let love come into your life!'

'3- Set Your perimeter and Honor It-
IN A DAY when we expect 'free roaming' for our cell phones and don't want to be fenced into a contract, we may have difficulty understanding the concept of boundaries. But, as long as land has existed, we have created lines that define 'what is mine' and 'what is yours' and 'what is theirs'.' ...
'Do you know anyone who has had a nervous breakdown? Chances are they gave too much and never set limits. Then one day, they had nothing left to give and collapsed.
Think of your emotions like a bank account. if you only make withdrawals, your account becomes overdrawn or empty.' ... 'We all must protect ourselves by understanding what we can give, what we are willing to give, and what we are able to give.' ...
'Then, when you set those limits, make sure you honor them. In doing so, you will reduce your stress and care for your mental, emotional, and physical states. You are the only 'you' on this planet. Be good to yourself.' !!!

Much love everyone!
~Stephanie <3

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