Friday, April 27, 2012

Knowing Thy Self

One of the things I love most about doing the Asanas, the physical poses and postures of yoga is the awareness I gain over my whole body. The more you go through these movement and feel different muscles going to work, stretching, and lengthening anf gaining strength, when you leave the mat these things follow you throughout your day. I love being able to notice my ribs and my lungs just while sitting at a desk breathing, noticing the air pass in cool threw the nostrils, feeling the air go down my esaphagas (sp) to the top of my lungs, expanding my ribs and my diaphram as the air enters my lower lungs, and then slowing back up and out warming my nostrils as the air re-enters the atmostphere. I love being a short woman of 5 foot 2 inches, and yet I have gained to much perspective on my complete length throw yoga, and my awareness has grown tall. I am constantly noticing my heigth all the way from my toes, the the soles of my feet, through my ankles, up my legs and my hips, through my torso and spine all the way to the crown of my head, i feel like I am 10 feet tall. Even when sitting down, when I am not noticing my breath, I feel the length in my spine, from my sits bones or my tail bone all the way to my crown, my posture has gone from and sloppy feeling slouch to a ballerina weightlessness almost, just from sitting, I feel so poised, and what girl never dreamed of being a ballerina when she was little? Well I did, and its a thrill for the little girl in me to feel like I have tapped into that sensation.
I didnt have any special messages in this post, jsut merely felt whimpsical, and thought it sweet to share. =)

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