Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Durning the beginning of my classes I have my students sit down, close their eyes and start to focus solely on their breathing. Just inhaling and exhaling nice slow steady breaths to clear their minds, start to feel calm and relaxed, and to get them to focus on the proper way to breathe before we move into the postures to make sure the muscles gain the right amount of oxygen. Durning this time I sometimes invite my students to start to cycle their breathing and to conect their inhale to their exhale and their exhale to their inhale and breathe one long continuous breath.
This style of breathing is something I came up with one day to try and get my students to shift their prespective from duality to non duality, to start to realize how everything is interconnected and that nothing is seperate.
(Putting aside religious ideologies right now, not looking at beliefs of afterlife but just focusing on this current one for the sake of this blog):
In many yogic texts authors often write about how the path of yoga is a form of rebirth. Take reicarnation and karma for example. (Again letting go of what we traditionally know about it relating to what happens when you die.) In this life, especially in yoga these two events will take place. As you start to take on peace and learn about the Self and your Consciousness and let go of the Ego, you are infact going through a metamorphosis like reincarnation. You let go of your old self, sometimes its small like letting go of judgement or blame or learning to forgive, to some bigger examples perhaps you change jobs or social networks or give up items of monitary value- ie you rebirth yourself. Looking at Karma, the more you give the more you gain. In yoga the more love you share the more kindness that is passed along, the bigger your heart will grow and the more positive you will feel.
Like with the breathing, your rebirth in yoga is ever on going, the more you do, the more you change, and the more you come back to your purest self. Everything is connected, everything is on going, everything is as it should be, for if what was happening now wasn't what was supposed to be happening, then something else would have happened.

Just a few words from me to you =)
Namaste everyone

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