Thursday, April 5, 2012

Space Memory

I mentioned before that I myself am a nerd, however I did not mention that my husband is one too. Daily he enjoys using his android phone to search the web and keep up on different news feeds to constantly fill his head with new facts and data. Today he was sharing with me about a few new theories and ideas about the afterlife. First one he shared was the idea that when our bodies give out our Consciousness lives on relieving the same life, but with the ability to make changes. He made the comparison then that it is less like reviewing a home movie and more like replaying the same video game, where all the plot points are the same but how you get there can change. The second one he shared with me was that if creation happened from The Big Bang, then there would have to be a Big Crunch. He explained this as being if the Universe grows and expands that there would have to come a point where it starts to crunch from going out to far and sink back in on itself and then have another Big Bang and another Big Crunch and would be like Reincarnation for the whole Universe. He also suggested that in this theory, similiar to multiuniverses we would have events after The Big Bangs play out the same, for example he and I would continue to be married and in this apartment over and over again.
From here he went on a 'nerd rambling' about Gaia, which in short is the theory that each planet has its own spirit and when we die we are reconnected with it.

Sorry hunny for the following: in his little ramble I ended up getting lost in my own thoughts, one thing led to another and I got stuck thinking about meditation. For those who do not practice, to fill you in a little, when you are devoted to meditation on a regular basis it is traditionally done in a sacred space. This does not always need to be a temple it can be in your own home, you can chose a whole room or just a courner, usually with a special cushion or seat, can decorate with inscents or candles, etc. Also in meditation it is custom to have a habit or a ritual in while you meditate at specific times for specific durations and you want to do something to introduce yourself to your space and your practice, an example might just be to bow to honor the practice that will take place before you sit.
There are many different reasons why we invoke the space in such a manner (for detailed reasonings and for different practice styles and techniques I highly suggest read: Meditation for the Love of It, by author Sally Kempton.) One of the reasons is because of the idea that spaces hold memory. (Which this is the connection that had my mind go from Gaia to meditation, incase anyone was wondering.) This I find to be a beautiful concept, and one that makes sense to my scientific brain aswell. What we bring to a space, we leave in the space, whether we mean to or not. Would be why when you go to work day after day lunch break after lunch break the space always feels the same, or why when you go home you just start to physically and emotionally feel different, or why some people get chills in areas claiming to be haunted, because we leave our energy behind, and return to it over and over again. This is why it is so important that when we go to work or when we go to bed or return to our yoga mats that we make a conscious effort to leave our negativity behind, and keep the proper energy and focus in their rightful spaces. =)

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