Thursday, April 26, 2012

Basic Instinct

Had an interesting dream last night, details of which are not all that important, however the point of the dream is. To illustrate that point I shall detail a snippet of the dream. In this dream I was not the main character, 2 young men where, and they found themselves in a horror of a situation, but that horror became illrelevant to them when they found they were unable to breathe and began to sufficate. (Now thank goodness this was a dream and not a nightmare and they got out of their suppresive spot and were able to begin to breath again.) During this entire dream I was never once a part of the dream, like an audience memeber at a film, I was only just the dreamer merely observing. I note this because it became interesting that as the observer I started to actually think about this blog whilst I was dreaming and was thinking about the significants of the boys sufficating and how that relates to yoga, as I shall embelish here:

When the suffication occured they where in the middle of some horrrors and life dramas, so for majority of the dream you thought all they wanted, all they NEEDED was to rid themselves of there current situation. However when their bodies where unable to fuction properly due to a lack of oxygen, it became clear that all our external needs and wants never really amount to anything, because our basic need and want is to breathe, to live and survive. As with yoga, all our external needs and wants do not matter, because our basic need and want is to return to the former Self, to be aware of our Consciousness, and to know our perfection, and the perfection of the world, without anything extra, but just as everything is, complete and whole and perfect.
posted from Bloggeroid

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