Sunday, March 4, 2012

New Month

Hi sorry, been a bit of work to get to a computer with internet.
So here we go, a new month, a few days into it already =) , and to recap February we discussed:

Stephanie's Yoga- Just a bit of a hello, introduction to myself and this page and where I was working at the time, and my excitedment about Yoga Rave, which I am still trying to make happen, so again those interested please email me at: or look me up on Facebook: Stephanie's Yoga! *^_^*
Thank You USA Today- Where I posted the article from USA Today, a response article to the yoga scare  created by the NY Times. This post and article went over the real truth behind yoga injuries, who is responsible and how to avoid them to have a happy, healthy practice. =)
The Lotus-Symbol of Strength- This post covered some Buddhist beliefs behind the Lotus, its symbolism and what each colour represents and how it ties into yoga.
Hospice- This post covered some personal insight learned and discovered from a Hospice volunteer and what people most regret in their last days and how we can embrace these things now to try and avoid regret when its our time to go.
Fleur de lis- Again was similar to that of the Lotus post, going over the symbolism behind the Fluer de lis and the Iris flower it was created after adn how it ties into yogic beliefs and philosophy.
Saraphine + Cortana- a post i wrote after being inspired by my pet tarantula and cornsnake, and how an animals mindset and way of life is very similar to what yoga is trying to inspire and teach to get us to a higher plane of consciousness.
Orion Nebula- here i let out a little of my Nerd, and brought to attention how small we are in the universe as a whole and how special and beautiful and rare our exhistance really is and how precious we are and how our lives and everything in them and the fact that we are here and now is truly miraculous!.. So enjoy it! ^_^
'Should'- I reposted an email I sent someone months ago and discussed why I felt it important to share with everyone else, again tying into the nebula post and pointing out that life is short and rare and special and that we ought to make the most of it (again similar theme to "Hospice')
Meet my Highschool freshman Year Science Teacher- i sent a NASA link to the bio of Ms. Metcalf-Lindenberger, or Ms. ML as we here students knewn her.. this I left jsut the link hoping people would read it, this month i will be explanding upon this to explain why I feel she is an important woman to take a look at. =)
MARDI GRAS- I was inviting you all to my class.
Spasibo- The Russian word for 'Thank You', here I was taking a magnifying glass to gratitude and really trying to grasp it and appreciate it.
A Healthier happier You-1- I added a passage from this book and i shall add at least 1 a month, there are 101 thoughts total to stress relief, something I feel everyone could use a little more of =)
FREE YOGA- again I was inviting you to my class.
Toxic-  added some thoughts about my favorite daily read 'Meditations form the Mat' by Rolf Gates, and shared some thoughts about meditations and the challenged offered to you and myself to take a moment to practice.
Farewell-  was a sad one for me to share that my time at Vamonos Studio has come to an end.
Surfs Up- was inpired from the animated film, as well as the remake of Karate Kid, and my thoughts about teachers and students.

All of my posts are unscripted, unplanned, I just sit at the computer and start typing because the library only gives you an hour so when you are logged on you need to type or else you lose your chance, so yes there are some trypos and grammer issues, but mostly i feel its important that I share that these are original thoughts, and jsut my voice (unless of course I am quoting someone else) and I am trying to simply share my relections and meditations and experiences of yoga and hoping that someone feels inpired on any level because of it. And please please please, feel free agiant to Facebook Stephanie's Yoga, or check out the Facebook Group 'Your Yoga' or email me at , I would really love to hear your thoughts and reflections and experiences as well, and would be happy to share adn post any if you would so wish ^_^

Thank you again for the love and support, you all are wonderful, and I look forward to connecting with you all more as these days adn weeks and months progress along! =)

Namaste- You all are beautiful!
Much love, 
Stephanie Christmore! <3

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