Monday, March 5, 2012


Watching a heroes marathon right now... well its the DVD set.. never caught it when it was on the air back in 07... so it seems to really have my attention...
Anywho... story writers and director did a good job at keeping you on the edge of your seat didn't they. Not anything really profound about it yet, only half way through thus far so if there is an important message about human life they haven't made it yet. I am however writing about this viewing right now because a villain of all people actually said something shockingly true and deeply profound that i wanted to highlight it here- he said, "You cant live a life of happiness and a life of meaning. Two very different paths. I mean to be truly happy a man must live absolutely in the present, and with no thought of whats gone before and no thought of what lies ahead.  But a life of meaning .... a man is condemned to wallow  in the past and obsess about the future."
Just something to think about. Hope you all enjoy your night and the start of your week. ~Namaste

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