Monday, March 19, 2012

Megan Fox

Typically when you type in 'Megan Fox' in Google this is the most common type of picture and or article that pops up: Before and after plastic surgery. Now usually the articles tend to be of negative opinions of plastic surgery, or medical enhancements. I personally feel sorry for the poor girl. it seems people have a natural urge or tendency to put others down to proof their own importance and seniority. Almost every day whether we are aware of it or not we are in a battle with someone over some form of 'im right and you're wrong'. Sometimes these examples are big, like war for example, and sometimes they are small like gripping in your own home about how dumb cable is for never having anything to watch, or standing in line at the check out counter and thinking to yourself how annoying the old lady in front of you is taking forever with writing her check and filling out her transaction register. Now im not here to write some kind of fluffy post about how perfect i am because i am a yogi and above all that, because the truth is im not. I still have my own judgements, and i constantly make people wrong, my husband is a great example of someone i do that too regularly when i 'nag' him to remember to put the toilet seat down, or to pick his clothes up off the floor, or to stop sticking his candy wrappers in the couch cushions. 
Most of us were raised in some form of a Christian or Catholic church (I merely say those two because if you look up religion in the United States those two have the highest percentage). And so majority of us were raised with some form of a 'right and wrong', 'punishment for the wicked and wrong' type of mentality, so what I am about to write will more than likely mess with your minds: it's ok that we judge, its ok that we make mistakes, its ok that we wrong others! Why? Because if you acknowledge it and learn from it then you will be on the path of enlightenment. This is not to be confused with this is some kind of a free pass to do misdeeds to others because you have some kind of spiritual diplomatic immunity, not at all. However if we spend all are time wronging others and then wronging ourselves for wronging others, then we are stuck in a negative cycle. However if you just lift the lid and let some light in we can see that we are human and our neighbors are human, celebrities are human, politicians, terrorists, everyone! We are all human, we all make mistakes, and when we get to the point of acknowledging that fact, accepting it, becoming at peace with it, then we can start to learn more compassion for ourselves and everyone else, and lessen those 'wrong doings'. Im sure we have all heard 'forgive and forget', this is where the 'forget' part comes into play. We must learn to let things wash over us and just let them go, otherwise if we harbor negative feels they have a tenancy to fester and rot, like spiritual gang green, but if we let go, then its like taking antibiotics and stopping things as they start and keeping ourselves cleansed, and helping to keep the rest of our community cleansed as well. No one is truly alone, we are all connected in one fashion or another, we all bleed, we all feel joy and sorrow, we all know love and kindness, its just up to us to practice showing it more for others. 

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