Thursday, June 7, 2012

Boy Meets World

Many of you 90s kids may recall the popular TGIF series Boy Meets World. In one episode in season 6 Cory Matthews (the lead character) finds himself haunted with these reacurring nightmares of him killing his bestfriend (Shawn Hunter). He becomes so destressed, that as always he turns to his mentor Mr Feeny (his 6th grase teacher that became so popular to the show he ended up being the boys principle and history teacher in highschool and later a professor at his college). Anyways, Mr Feeny simply advised young Mr Matthews to stay asleep, finish the dream, and only rhen will he be able to find out what it means and gain peace. So the end of the episode was his dream playing out where he sends all the supporting characters to their deaths down an empty elevator shaft, leaving him and his girlfriend since the second grade, soon to be wife, Tapanga. He sees her in his dream dressed in her wedding dress, they have a sweet talk, and it turns out it was a dream about cold feet and wedding jitters, that he was afraid he would be killing his social life. I can not recall, either dream Tapanga or real life Tapanga helped him see that he would not lose anything in marriage, that he would be gaining more in top of what he already has.

The reason I bring up this lengthy example, is because I am noticing a common theme in all my yoga and meditation books. They all highlight how in our modern lives and cultures, we shy away from and avoid, loath and fear anything 'dark', anything in our lives that hurt or upset us. Through yoga and meditation we learn to be like Cory and 'finish the nightmare'. Instead of shunning or negative thoughts, feelings, memories, we learn to focus in on them, experience them, and discover the truth behind them.

For light example this time =) a student might 'shit down' and feel emparassed or defeated if a teacher comes over to them to make an adjustment. If we follow that feeling, we can see that we don't fear adjustment, nor our teacher, the underlying fear is of public embarrasment, judgement, disapproval. If we go deeper than that we will see that its really a fear of the past. Something happened sometime ago in our lives where a family member, or school mate, teacher, co worker, someone had us feel put down, and made 'small'. Going even deeper than that, we find this past humiliation haunts us because of our fear of being not enough, and not being accepted.

Now if we can get to the bottom of our fears, instead of getting all 'huffy' and shying away from them and blocking them out, but really getting to the root, it will no longer be something that controls us. Now depending on whatever it is we find, either we can over come it, or accept what we have discovered as being a part of us, and learning to be at peace with it or in some cases loving it, like Finding Nemo's little fin *^_^* .

You are all brave, and strong, I encourage you to explore your 'dark' by turning on the light.


posted from Bloggeroid

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