Monday, June 25, 2012

Morning Clouds Roll In

Morning clouds roll in, light and soft, barely touching the sky. Silloettes of tiny birds dance over head, slowly as if they were pulling the sun up themselves. One by on the blushing clouds stretch and wake, and roll out the fluffy white under bellies. The amber sun peeks out over the hill and through the trees and blooms to a jolly inviting yellow, a perfect marraige to the oceanic blue protecting us over head. The wind kisses the trees brining to life a rythm to match the lively birds' harmonious morning song. The air is cool, yet warm, crisp, yet sweet, the perfect aroma to rouse the muscles and wake the senses.

Whether you're waking up to a morning stretch or meditation, going to work or up for travel, I hope you take a moment to yourself to pause, and breathe this all in. Whether its sunrise, or sunset, or even mid day, really take a moment of apprieciation for these beautiful moments we are blessed with, the nature, and the life, and creation all around, in every breath you take.

Good morning everyone!

posted from Bloggeroid

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