Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Six Days, Seven Nights

Harris Ford: 'It's an island, if you don't bring it here, you won't find it here.

Sure his character was drunk, so the audience is supposed to roll their eyes, but still this stood out to me.

So often in life we find ourselves confusing happiness with what has yet to come. Like 'oh if I get that promotion, then I'll be happy' or 'i just need to move, go some place else then I can be happy' or 'i need a man|woman, he|she will make me happy'... but just like with that island, you are responsible for what you have and what you will experience. If you don't learn what peace and happiness truly are for you, then you'll go through life looking under every rock and constantly wind up disappointed. Take money management for example. Most people say 'i don't have enough money' , say you win the lottery, then what?, will you finally 'have money'? More often than not all that money will be blown and you'll be back to where you currently are 'not having money'. If however you learn to manage your finances, no matter your income, you'll learn to always 'have money'. Same is true with everything else in your life, you take what you currently have with you everywhere, just need to learn how to tape into your inner self, become aware of your Awareness, and you will know peace without needed to wait for your next big life event. You'll always know how to be fulfilled.
posted from Bloggeroid

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