Sunday, June 24, 2012

Coming into the Light

So I am sitting here in my new apartment trying to read whilst my husband is napping and I just can not help but to be aware of how painful the sun is. Where I am in Vancouver at the moment I am no longer receiving any direct sunlight. 1 there are wisps of cloud sprinkling the air, and 2. With the angle and hiegth of my unit, my livingroom is only getting 4 inches of direct sun on the carpet. So its not like I'm being blinded by looking at the sun itself or anything, but even when the blinds are fulling closed, my eyes are wincing.
See where I had been living this past year was the basement of an old hotel, in the back corner where the sun never was directly visible no matter the time of day. I had to have the livingroom light on all day long, and even then it was one of those small mock candle looking bulbs that you see mostly on chandliers, so that was only about 10 or 20 watts. ... but anywho I just can not reframe from thinking about my struggle adjusting to light and how it is my little physical metaphore.
All of life and yoga is about conidtioning and practice. Currently my eyes are conditioned to see and function in the dark, but with time and practice to not close the blinds or wear sunglasses, I will be conditioned to see in the light. Same with anything else. Say meditation, in our western society we are conditioned to either sit in a computer desk chair, a sofa or to stand more of all day long. With practice however we can learn to condition ourselves to sit on a meditation cushion without or legs or our booties falling asleep on us. With yoga asana or the physical practice and postures of yoga, we may tell ourselves 'i can't bend like that' but with practice we will condition ourselves to bend any way we choose.
Its easy to stick with the status quo and to give up or not try or to 'grab a pair of sunglasses' to make the moment easier, I don't know about you, but I would rather practice living life to the fullest and discover less and less limitations for myself by conditioning myself to ditch the easy. =)
So if you don't have it now, if you're swinting through life, or limbs are going numb, or you're struggling to be more flexible, don't feel down, don't cave, just know that you will be that much closer tomorrow! *^_^*

posted from Bloggeroid

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