Sunday, June 17, 2012

Full of Life *^_^*

Almost done with the move, just one more load and I shall no longer have 2 addresses... so exciting!!!=)
Sorry for the big gap between posts, truly did not mean to let something so heavy sit for so long, been so long since I last moved, I forgot how big of a job it was.

So anywho... for the past year I have been living with my husband in his bachelor pad, so all of my belongings, exept for my clothes, have been in storage. One on hand, it is so nice to see everything again and have a new appreciation and thankfulness for them and my memories. And 2 I finally get a VCR so I can watch all my old VHS tapes again! Paul and I were so excited we hooked it up in our new bedroom last night and watched Fantashia 2000. I have not seen this film for about 10 years, and it is just as magical now as it was then. My favvortie short was always the Mother Nature one, and watching that just now, as an adult verses a child, I love it so much more, and can relate to it on a deeper level. My new place currently over looks a Saturday|Farmer's Market, and this weekend there has been a concert event happening in the park (aka my backyard). After seeing the film this morning, and going outside to see all the people, all of nature, with the park and the items grow and cared for and sold at the market, and all the life from people and there pets, I am just blown away and in awe right now! Everything is so beautiful, and perfect, and magical, all the 'good' , all the 'bad' , all of life all around every moment of everyday, is all so beautiful!
This Father's Day, I encourage you to not just be thankful for your Dads|Granddads|or Moms who fill the role of Dad, but also look around, take a moment to take it all in and celebrate everything that is life!

Happy Father's Day everyone!

posted from Bloggeroid

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